Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Becoming a Product of the Product...

I've been in bad health for a long while. Not so much medically, but eating unhealthy, going on diets that I quickly go off of, still eating foods with horrible ingredients when I'm trying to eat "healthy" and being overweight. Since joining It Works!, I have really started looking at everything. I'm starting to really put my health first. I've started taking many supplements that have really made a change for the way I feel. 

Here's what I'm taking now:

The last two I only use occasionally, not every day. My day normally looks like this: 

Breakfast: ProFit in vanilla almond milk and 1/2 a Starbucks Via Iced Coffee, a ThermoFit
Mid-morning "snack": Greens in V8 fruit and veggie juice, 2 Confianza
Lunch: something light, a ThermoFit
Dinner: fairly healthy, 2 FatFighters

Some days I add in another serving of Greens, just depends on if I feel like I need an energy lift. Throughout the day it's water, water, and MORE water! As of yesterday, I am down already 4lbs from Sunday. I'm not trying to drop my weight extremely fast, it's just happening. I am definitely eating, for those that know me know that I'm not the type to not eat. :D That's why I am where I am. ha!

I want to add in exercise soon, I'm just not sure wha
t will suit me best. Currently, my weight still is a bit high for some things, it kills my joints. 

Please comment with suggestions or questions! =) 

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